Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thanksgiving Point

We had a quiet Thanksgiving this year. Just the three of us at home and we did the whole dinner. Lily was pretty sick so I didn't take any pictures. These photos were taken right before Thanksgiving. We had a little outing to, of all places, Thanksgiving Point and then we went to look at the fishies in the tank at Cabellas. She had a blast and was completely worn out by the end of the night, as you can clearly see by the last shot of that evening. She started feeling better but now she has a bad cold. Poor Lily has been sick with one thing or another now for 3 weeks. Hopefully she's on the mend and has built up some immunities for the long, cold winter.


Kate said...

Sooooo cute!

I must ask, you and Lily look so beautiful in that last picture, but WHAT IS BEHIND YOU??? A ferocious BEAR?

Bad friend who MUST see you soon,
Crazy Kate of Le monde de fromage de Kate

Rachel said...

You are correct! It is a ferocious beastly bear at Cabellas.
I'm so glad to know that your Papa is alright. Give my best to your parents. I need to come see all of you soon.